since chad and i our decision to move to tulsa to be apart of the church plant our life has been crazy. but every moment i still know that God is telling us to do this. when we got married {eight years this september} we never thought we would take such an adventure but through learning, growing, & TRUSTING we know God has a different & better plan for our life, for our family.
everything has been falling into place... {selling our house in 3 days & for more than we asked... getting money back from different things that we didn't know about or just didn't remember... raising support is going well... and i could list more... God is so good!} but through all of this its been tiring, esp for chad who seems like he is working two full time jobs... youth pastor & church planter. this past weekend was the hardest we have faced yet, since we began this journey.
we went to tulsa this past weekend to find our "new" home. we don't know the area or the schools very well so we just started driving around. our target area of people that we want to love & reach is a big triangle in tulsa. inside that triangle are ghetto schools, not so nice apartments & then really expensive homes & privates schools.
feeling overwhelmed seats in now!
we meet up with some dear friends that live near there & they asked us about where kaden will go to school. we said tulsa schools. and they advised us just the opposite.
so we are torn & more feelings of overwhelming feels us very fast. we want to be missional, to live there, to be the church to those people but at the same time i want kaden to get a good education and not learn horrible habits everyday while around those kids at school. maybe i am being a sheltered mom little too much but i feel its my job to protect him as long as i can.
the next day, we drove to all kind of apartments. since we don't know the area we don't want to buy right away. we were thinking apartments... swimming pool... fitness room... no yard to cut!!! but every person we talked to told us the same thing - "don't go to tulsa schools, jenks, union, broken arrow is your best place to go to school"
the boys went with us... not such a good idea! they did ok the first two places we looked at & then it was all downhill from there... and we were going downhill fast!!!
towards the end of our LONG day brock said from his car seat, "i want to go home" and kaden said to him, "we don't have a home, remember we sold it". my heart was filled with sadness & tears filled my eyes. our home - the only "home" they have known is just a memory now.
i felt very overwhelmed at this point. what is God thinking, asking us to move, relocate our boys from "home sweet home"???
***since being home from our weekend up to tulsa we have talked to more people that gave us the same advice. since they all are saying the same things about the schools we are going to try to find a rent home in jenks school district. we did find some nice apartments but still very tiny. we would be on top of each other at all times. we know that its a great time to buy right now but we don't want to rush into buying just yet. we want to live there at least a year, get to really know the area before we settle down.
so i end with asking you to please pray for us. this is huge & like the title says... we are feeling overwhelmed about all the decisions that effect our future that need to be made now. all the prayers are greatly appreciated!