don't you know that your contagious when you have a fever? so instead of making mother's mad at me for getting their kids sick, i JUMPED at the chance to stay at home & get some stuff done. does this make me less of a christian???
the boys watched movies & i had a productive morning cleaning, doing laundry, wrapping a few stocking stuffers and organized my FREE stuff that i have been collecting since going to the coupon class...

3 complete contact solution,
5 toothpaste (4 colgate, 1 crest),
3 deodorant (2 dove, 1 degree)
2 thermacare pads,
suave shampoo & conditioner,
aussie shampoo & conditioner,
2 pantene's 2 in 1,
6 toothbrushes.
not shown in the picture: 2 things of foil, a car that does cool 360 tricks, alieve, and 2 TUMS smoothies.
every couple of hours i take kaden's temp & it keeps going higher & higher. we decided at 4:30 to take him to a 24 hour place & an hour later found out that he has the FLU.
tonight was our connect groups (small groups, home groups, whatever you call them) at our house with 9th & 10th grade students. some were already here when chad & kaden got back home. so kaden had to stay in our room for about 2 hours by himself tonight. he wasn't very happy about this.
i knew what would bring a SMILE to his face... opening an christmas gift!!!

brock then thought he could open a gift. he ran a grabbed something from under the tree. one of kaden's. i let him open it (new underwear) & that was it. he was happy just getting to rip the paper off.
The flu?!?! Oh No! That is not fun at all! And did you really go to a coupon class?? Because if so that is completely awesome and I want to know where you went to it.
That does make you a good mommy :)
Poor Kaden! The flu is miserable. Did they give him that Tamiflu stuff? It is sopposed to help them get through it faster.
We will be praying that everyone is better in time for Christmas!
sometimes, you gotta stay home!
hope your little man feels better soon...
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