April 16, 2009


lately, when i ask b to start picking up toys. he responds: "my ankle hurts."

when i ask him to take something to his room: "my elbow hurt."

yesterday, i told him to go tell his brother that its time to get ready for church: "my tongue hurts"

i laugh each time because he is full of it! those things don't hurt.

he is just trying to get out of doing something he doesn't want to do.

he just hasn't learned yet that i am smarter than him. {haha}

but where or where did he learn this from?!?!?


Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

haha, that's so funny! babyboy is not even two yet and we try to feed him something he's realizes he doesn't really like it, he says, "too big," and spits it out, like the bite was too big, haha! i can't believe it either. so funny, and yes he still eats it anyway, bc we said so=)! haa.

Pops and Grammy said...

He's so smart! And, Cute!

Anonymous said...

hilarious. gotta love it.

beckylbranch said...

Obviously his father because it wasn't YOU!!! LOL!

Amber Filkins said...

Well, my motto is that any undesirable quality, they got it from their father! :)

That is pretty cute!

Unknown said...

ALL K BOY... all him!